Sunday 31 August 2014

Five Things I've Learned in August

Greetings humans!

August has been a jam-packed month for me; I turned 18, received my A-Level results (which in turn confirmed my place at uni), and have focused most of my time on seeing my friends before we all disperse throughout the UK!

Here are five things I've learnt this month:
  • I'm surprisingly better at navigating alien IT systems than I thought
    • Enrolling at university means a whole lot of complicated IT-navigation. I managed to guess my password before it was released, and upload a picture without a hitch! (My IT education really wasn't the best and over the past few years I really haven't had the time to catch up with it; this is a pretty big achievement for me!)
  • A one thousand-page book provides a "rough outline" in the World of Higher Education
    • I'm not too worried; after all, a tonne of reading is what I signed up for in the first place. And at least it's something I seriously enjoy!
  • The BBC ran a short series of Horrible Histories for adults, hosted by Stephen Fry
    • Yes, really. If you're unfamiliar with the franchise, I'd suggest a little research; the books were best-selling (and a major influence in my love of history and culture when I was a child, especially in academic study), and the TV adaptation was the first family show to win a British Comedy Award. Despite a younger target audience, I've found that it regularly explains key issues in far greater detail than documentaries for adults (especially the Reformation and its progress), which in a family show is both extraordinary and refreshing. 
  • A 'studyspo' community exists on Tumblr
    • Ah, Tumblr, the land of the fandom, cat gifs and social justice warriors; and the land of  the studiers, apparently. Full of pictures of pretty desks and sticky notes, I absolutely love this side of the website. I've created a studyspo blog here, although I'm not yet sure how I'm going to balance original content in both places.
  • I have a love for novelty push pins that I never knew existed
    • Since I have a small room at home, I have no room for a corkboard or a similar item. However, I have a large notice board in my uni room; whilst buying stationery for uni, I saw many novelty push pins - my favourites are those shaped as moles and molehills! 
I know that next month I have a lot more to learn; I'm moving away from home and encountering a way of learning that I have never experienced before. More on that when I get there!

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