Greetings humans!
The past two weeks have been relatively quiet for me - the occasional meet-up with friends and very little else.
And when I say very little else, I mean it. As you may be aware, I'm currently undertaking a short MOOC, and trying to get a fair bit of preparatory reading done for my undergraduate degree before results day (after which I'm planning on getting as ahead as I can with the reading for the course. Wishful thinking, I know).
However, I have encountered a pretty big problem, which I didn't even think was the case before the holidays began: I have no self-motivation. None. Every drop of motivation I've ever had has stemmed from incredibly important, immovable deadlines with significant consequences (eg. A-Level exams, determining which university I get into, or whether I go at all).
The thing is, the course I'm doing online has no consequence if I don't bother with it: it's free, and although assessed, not to a particularly strict deadline and my success is of little consequence. Similarly, if I don't complete the reading I've set myself, there is no consequence whatsoever, aside from being a little less well-read for a finite amount of time. I've been following studyspo blogs for a while on Tumblr, and various boards on Pinterest, but I still have never had the urge to go and crack on with it.
In order to sort this problem out (which I'm grateful I realised before university, and not months after I arrive), I've got a lot of planning to do. Also, I have mentioned that I want to be more regular with this blog, so with a stroke of genius (perhaps, we'll see) I've decided to start a regular feature - "Motivation Mondays". I'll chat about what I've been doing, how I've motivated myself and maybe it'll hold me publicly accountable to Get On With Things, or even inspire a couple of other people to Get On With Things. Who knows?
In the meantime, I think I'm in need of a date with my Filofax and a cuppa!
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