Sunday 12 January 2014

My Week #2

Greetings humans!

I can't believe we've finished week two of 2014 already - what doesn't help is that I only have four more weeks at school until February half term, after which I'll only have eleven and a half weeks until my first exam*

It's been seriously busy this week - I've had two major deadlines which still caused a pinch point even though I had been working on the essays over the Christmas break too. My workload lessened towards the end of the week, where I planned and did some revision instead. Now about half of my major projects are out of the way, I can focus on some serious revision for the summer exams.

Since I've moved from a WO2P this year to a DPP for my daily planning, I'm still getting to grips with how exactly I'm using the former. Therefore, in its place this week I'll show you a typical day on my DPP inserts.

My plan regarding this blog is to post twice a week. However, I ran into a practical problem when I realised that I left the house in the dark and got back in the dark on weekdays, meaning I had no decent light with which to take any photographs. Something to work on for next time!

*to be fair this is partly my fault, since I completely messed up an exam last year and have chosen to do a re-sit. Without this, it'd be fourteen weeks until my first exam.

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