Friday 9 August 2013

The Set-Up of My Personal Swift

Greetings Humans! Recently, I acquired this beautiful Filofax. It's a Swift (the daughter of the Songbird) in Sage Green and it's OH MY GOD FANTASTIC WONDERFUL ADORABLE SO SO CUTE really pretty yet also subtle, so perfect for school (its main use). I don't have a separate Filofax for school, since I don't have so much of a social life that it warrants another planner, and also school is (or will be, once summer's over) where I spend the majority of my time.

There are four vertical credit card pockets, a larger one, and a full length pocket. In the credit card slots I keep sticky notes and some washi on an old iTunes giftcard (for washi-on-the-go). In the larger pocket there are a couple of tags which I thought looked nice and wanted to keep. The first thing on the rings right now is a packing list for Summer School, so that wouldn't usually be on there...

This is usually my front sheet, covered by the transparent flyleaf which came with the Filofax. I got this postcard at a conference I went to about studying History at university (although I don't want to do History or joint honours, I'm still planning on taking it as an elective). After that I just have pictures of my friends. N'aw. (And all the information sheets that come with the Filofax, because it's always handy to have the average temperature for May in Karachi in May, right?).

The next section I have is my 'lists' section. Here I keep reading lists and wishlists. I'm also in the process of compiling a UNI-versal list - stuff I'll need to get to university, regardless of where I go.

These tabs are for my academic subjects at school - there isn't much point of me showing you what's inside at the moment because right now it's just notepaper. I will eventually get around to writing my course specifications and drawing up homework tables, but I haven't done so yet. (also I'm super scared about results day so I don't want to spend my time doing something which may end up being a waste of time if I have to change subjects [no it's less than a week away no no no AHHHHHH])

Here are my 'responsibility' tabs - I have two such roles at school, as well as mentoring younger students. The yellow tab here is for UCAS - although not strictly 'responsibility', it all seems to fit together in my head. Again, all the tabs just have plain notepaper, apart from this one, which I've set up for taking minutes at meetings. 

I couldn't justify buying myself a monthly diary insert when I could make my own from (already horrendously expensive) normal notepaper. I would use printables, but I have tried and failed many times. I also rounded the corners on these pages, because I bought a corner punch the other week and I CAN'T STOP USING IT. 

I use the WO2P diary insert which came with the Filofax. As you can see through the sheets, I use sticky notes to plan future events, although the week shown is blank because I'm going away. 

In the top-opening envelope which came with the Filofax, I keep a plethora of stickers, and a train ticket from last year sometime.

Notepad! I'm surprised by how useful this has turned out to be. In the pen loop I keep a black Muji erasable pen, since black goes with my diary theme every week, so it's fine if I need to jot something down quickly. 

So, that's the set up of my new Filofax! How is yours set-up? Is there anything you would change?

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