Sunday 9 February 2014

My Week #6...and a few changes

Greetings humans!

So, just to give you an idea of how well my life is going at the moment:

I didn't even decorate last week's weekly pages, I did next to nothing in terms of revision, and I had three significant deadlines thrown at me. My daily pages aren't much better, and the only things written in my A5 are "blog post" and "my week #6", which were written in at the beginning of the year. 

So, what's going wrong?

My first answer is EVERYTHING(!!!!!!!!), since I'm now in serious panic mode about my exams and breaking down in tears about every day (who needs emotional stability anyway?!). This is probably why I haven't been using my filofaxes as I usually do - I'm too preoccupied with worry than to actually do anything about it. I've tried, though. For instance, I've created some rather complicated tick sheets for my History coursework, and I've been completing work and handing it in way before deadlines. I'm feeling a bit better and I've given myself a bit of a weekend off (read: I've spent two days solid doing actual coursework and work set as opposed to self-determined revision).

I've also changed back into my Songbird. I'm not sure if there's some kind of sentimental comfort in it, or if it's just because the colours are lighter and it lies flat. In addition, my Filofaxes which I'm trying to use on a regular basis are now on my desk so I actually see them and therefore use them (also some very exciting new sticky notes can be seen on top of the boxes):

Right, I'm off to go and decorate my diary pages to my heart's content and write everything in pretty colours in an attempt to feel a bit better. That always works, right? Right.

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